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Solution-focused hypnotherapy is a form of therapeutic intervention that combines elements of hypnosis with solution-focused therapy techniques. It aims to help individuals make positive changes in their lives by focusing on their desired outcomes and strengths rather than dwelling on the problems. Some of the issues that solution-focused hypnotherapy can be beneficial for include:

Stress and Anxiety: Solution-focused hypnotherapy can help individuals manage stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation, reducing negative thought patterns, and enhancing coping strategies.

Phobias and Fears: It can be effective in addressing and managing various phobias and irrational fears through guided relaxation and positive visualization techniques.

Smoking Cessation: Solution-focused hypnotherapy can aid individuals in quitting smoking by reinforcing their motivation to quit and encouraging healthier behaviors.

Weight Management: By encouraging healthier eating habits, promoting exercise, and addressing emotional eating, hypnotherapy can support individuals in their weight management goals.

Insomnia and Sleep Issues: Hypnotherapy can help improve sleep patterns by promoting relaxation and guiding individuals towards a more restful state of mind.

Confidence and Self-Esteem: Solution-focused hypnotherapy can help boost self-confidence and self-esteem by focusing on an individual’s strengths and accomplishments.

Performance Enhancement: Whether it’s for public speaking, sports, or other activities, hypnotherapy can help individuals improve their performance by enhancing focus and mental clarity.

Pain Management: Hypnotherapy can be used alongside traditional pain management techniques to alleviate discomfort and promote relaxation.

Goal Achievement: By visualizing and reinforcing positive outcomes, solution-focused hypnotherapy can support individuals in achieving their goals and aspirations.

Emotional Well-being: It can assist in improving mood and emotional well-being by helping individuals develop healthier thought patterns and coping mechanisms.

What does Hypnotherapy Cost?

I offer a free initial consultation, then Hypnotherapy
costs £75 per session.

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I aim to call you back same day, but if its after 6pm it will be next day.